Summer Solstice 2023
Summer Solstice on top of Camelback Mountain.
Something about this heat, this desert, and being able to persevere. Taking a self portrait on top of Camelback Mountain while holding a kettlebell during the Summer Solstice in Phoenix. I've had this idea since last year so I'm glad I was able to do it.
Warning: Would definitely not recommend to anyone who isn't used to hiking in over 100 degree weather with an 18lbs KB on the longest day of the year AND on Echo Trail WHILE wearing Earth Runner sandals.
One of my inspirations for these were those old classic body builders physique photos. While I'm no body builder, I wanted to incorporate the things that represent me and my life.
I chose Camelback Mountain as the setting, one of the most iconic sights in Phoenix. Growing up always driving towards it on 56st when heading to school at ANLC. I didn't live far from it, you can see the mountain from my front yard. It also represents one of my first "fitness" achievements, finally being able to climb it when I was 18. Fitness wise, I wasn’t anywhere where I was now, I nearly blacked out. But I did it.
I took a light 18lbs competition style kettlebell. Competition bells are different than the standard black iron ones. They are all the same size regardless of the weight which is why the KB looks bigger and heavier than it actually is. Just being transparent on that even with 18lbs, this was hard!
I could have picked any time during the year and still get this lighting. But it's the expressions you get when the Phoenix heat hits that I wanted to capture. I needed an actual day that represents the heat, so what better day than the Summer Solstice.
I started this hike at 1pm. That morning I had a good breakfast and made sure I hydrated enough. Took two water bottles with me, and made sure to stop and rest even if I wasn’t feeling tired. Left a gatorade in the trunk as a small treat. I reached the top around 2pm.
Taking the photos wasn’t easy. My ADHD ass forgot my tripod in the car so I had to find a way to set my camera on the rocks. Sometimes you just have to work with what you got and make it happen. I say this because I actually tried taking these portraits last year and I also forgot my tripod then! I gave up last year, there is no way I was going to do it again.
Also, I tried taking some pictures barefooted. I was able to snap some but it was too hot to bare. I did burn a little and my feet were a little tender after the hike…but it was so worth it.
Just some proof that this was indeed Camelback Mountain and not some random rock hill.